Monday, June 10, 2013

Where It All begins

Summer has to start somewhere and it may be, per technicality, that it is still 11 days coming (12 from the inception of this, the season of summer I speak of myself). Anyhow, I can begin my summer whenever I like can't I? Schools out: that's when I used to begin my summer to the cliched song. In five years: Summer, what summer? I don't have long to exercise the freedom to start summer as I see fit, so I'd better get to it and set this life per my own terms.
Summer time, and living - ain't it easy? Not so, dear Sublime, not always so in this northern land of rainy, sunny, uncertainty, and snow. Don't I wish that things could be forever simple and filled with days of long slanting rays like the hours of a hot day. Such is not the case for we working stiffs, though.
But hark, d'ost I hear the song of a sweetly blaring weekend edition from my radio? I do, indeed I do. This is a summer weekend and its the day to lust after, if ever there was one.
This weekend, a rainy-sunny-windy one of life between places, a sort of settling. Settling into new places and falling upon the old comforts to ease their shock factor - however wonderful that feel of jolting might feel.

The sizzle of a hot grill, all orange and real.
Cooking like a king with flavors fit thereto
Friends around - old and at once anew.
These the summer nights, so much easier in this time of year
Even if not unknown in times and place hitherto...

Grilled Chicken thighs, with a simple marinated
Roasted vegetables so simple
Sweet roots roasted and remade
Barbecue: I love you, old friend true.

 Basic marinated by way of Chicken Thing:
Mustard, Spicy and Whole Grain; honey to sweeten the deal; Cumin and Pepper spice things; Cider Vinegar for feel...
 Simply roasted Carrots, Kohlrabi: Pepper and salt, oil, and love.
Sweet Potatoes to tie the flavors: Japanese, Purple, and White.

Good nights under bright lights and setting sunlight.

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