Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Let me Elaborate

Why do I write? Why do I cook? Why bother fight? Picture the plates and inroads?
Because I feel, some days, for loss of tongue.
Feel, some ways, for want of life at 20-something young.
Reel some days at the settling sound of silence in spite of a shining sun.

Because I feel compelled and inspired
Refuse to stay quiet, refuse to stay tired
Seek to inspire, myself so long mired
Inspire not my feet - they already meet at the pavement so easily
Inspire, rather, my soul expired.

I've long fought with food and fright
For want of thinness, safety from flight
Little I knew I would be built - broken really
Something new; a face you thought you knew
Now four years stewed

Love lost, passion askew
This mirror of mine, broken and true
Well, I refuse to go on for seven years more
I want a future where my older-self in-store
Love returned, body and soul...

I fight tooth and nail, with a villanous side of myself
It's named anorexia
and I its tale.
Writing, cooking, thinking, and all
To put back the pieces fractured by fall.
Somewhere in the pieces, the tool to resistance.

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